Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

Enjoy yourself, and feel free to leave a comment if something sparks your interest.

Friday, July 22, 2011

From the Depths of the Writing Cave

It's a monstrous place where few dare to enter. Yellow ledger pads stack high against a wall of shelves. A treasure-trove of unwatched dvds sit to one side. Notebooks of gibberish lay scattered about. And, at center, the beast itself, with her machine of death.

I refer, of course, to myself and my laptop.

This is just a quick update to let you know how very sorry I am. Sorry for what, you may ask? Well, this is an apology in advance.

In the upcoming month or so, I need to work on over half a dozen new short stories, four novellas, a children's book, and a collaborative novella collection.

Then there's fanfiction. Poke fun of the fanfiction writers if you like, but Mercedes Lackey is on our team, as are several other established writers. For example, I recently discovered (thanks to Patricia ) that writer R.J. Anderson has been successfully published several times now. See, I remember Ms. Anderson from her Harry Potter fanfiction writing days. Hers were some of the first novel-length fanfiction I enjoyed. Suffice to say, I now plan on purchasing her books.

Back onto subject, yes, I intend to continue writing my fanfiction amongst all the crazy of July/August/September. Why? a.) I have too many readers. I just can't stand the thought of letting them down. b.) Writing ff keeps my mind on the game. It reminds me how to write for *characters* instead of two dimensional paper people. It keeps me focused on writing for an audience, as well. c.) It's fun. Yeah, I'm going to spend half my time daydreaming, anyhow. I might as well do something constructive with those random fandom thoughts, right?

So, in conclusion, I'm sorry. I'll probably be hiding from the world in my writing cave. Good news? I have Wi-Fi. Bad news? I probably will be an oily-haired, snarky hag by the time this write-a-thon is over and done.

Expect to receive this warning again in November, when National Novel Writing Month steals my remaining social life away.

Oh and this picture? (Disclaimer: it's not mine.) That's my inspiration for a minor character in one of my upcoming novella projects. See what I'm dealing with here?

1 comment:

PatriciaLouise said...

Yup, the list is huge. And I understand the cave. And the goat pic was hilarious!