Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

Enjoy yourself, and feel free to leave a comment if something sparks your interest.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Evolution Vol. 1

Boys and girls, before we get into the epic-deep-breath that is a New Years Resolution post, I thought I'd share a few updates with you. Not much to say concerning "new news," though I'm happy to say I've been shortlisted at a few great places, but there have been a couple book releases since last we blogged.

First up, a December e-book release sure to please ya:

Evolution Vol. 1
Edited by talented Lane Diamond
Published by Evolved Publishing (check out their facebook page)
Current E-book Price: 4.99

Official Description:
A collection of 10 short stories resulting from Evolved Publishing's first-ever Short Story Contest. Stories cross over many genres, and range from 2,000-5,000 words each.

The GRAND PRIZE WINNER was "If I Should Die," by Amanda Papenfus. 6 other stories were chosen from the almost 200 submitted.

Additionally, stories are included from 3 of Evolved Publishing's regular stable of authors: Lane Diamond, D.T. Conklin and Ruby Standing Deer.

EVOLUTION: VOL. 1 is the first in an ongoing series of semi-annual anthologies planned by Evolved Publishing.
And, boy, are they not kidding when they say Evolution Vol. 1 ranges many genres. For example, the collection kicks off with its prize-winning tale by Amanda Papenfus, a deeply moving story I'd classify as literary fiction, and then the jumps into speculative fiction soon after.

My story, "Sirius Issues," for example, is comedic science fiction. I'd say 'deep space', but, truthfully, the human characters are still in the right galaxy, just stuck in their overpriced alien condos. What's "Sirius Issues" about? Well, taxes, rebellions, drunken sex, alien landlords...the usual stuff.

You can download a copy at Smashwords or Amazon.


Also, amongst my newer releases is Pill Hill Press' Daily Frights 2012 (Leap Year Edition).

Official Description:

DAILY FRIGHTS 2012: 366 DAYS OF DARK FLASH FICTION (LEAP YEAR EDITION) is a 2012 flash fiction calendar anthology, with a 500 word or less short story featured for every day of the calendar year. Filled with 366 short stories, this is a fun and practical anthology designed for busy readers.
Can you honestly think of a better way to ring in the New Year? Come on! This is 366 tales, one snippet for every day--just enough to read over a cup of coffee in the morning or before you turn out the lights at night. And, at this moment, Amazon has it available for a swell 21.89 (normally, it runs 24.99). I'm not sure when the e-edition will be available, but I'll let you know as soon as it's released.

I only have one tiny contribution in this collection (though the antho is littered with so many great authors!), and it's called "Class Project." Kids, horror, Egyptian mythology: my name might as well be stamped all over that one... Oh, wait, it is. :D

Monday, December 5, 2011

December's Super Blog Post

Happy holidays, everyone!

This is an exciting time of year, isn't it? Or, maybe I should just trade out the word "exciting" for "stressful." Everyone has their fair share of busy work this season, cleaning house for guests, shopping for gifts, working extra hard at their retail jobs. Usually, by the time Christmas Eve rolls around, I'm standing between a group of fussing family members, having a Clark Griswold style freak-out and giving the "Hap-Hap-Happiest Christmas" speech, cursing included.

But, Christmas isn't entirely to blame. It's almost as if we're all running about in a mad rush to finish as much as humanly possibly before the arrival of the new year. As if we can somehow defeat Father Time through our will alone. (Note: this method only seems to work during the college years, when essays are due the next morning.) Writers, of course, are not immune to the crazy.

We wrack our brains, check our graphs twice, count our filed submission emails...just to see how much work we put in over the past year. How do the stats add up? Did we put in enough effort? Should we have spent more time at the keyboard and less time watching Big Bang Theory? Should we have spent more time at a Word doc and less time on Facebook? The answer to both questions is simple: "yeah, probably." Which only adds fuel to the New Years Resolution fire... But that's a topic for another blog.

Let's get back to 2011, shall we? I can honestly say...this wasn't the best year ever. Not for my personal or professional life. And I'm not alone, which is somehow even more heartbreaking.

Had some great experiences with small publishers, though, and I also came up with a few characters I hope are going to fully come out to play next year. The "started in 'll" line-up includes a paranormal series that doesn't take itself too seriously, a kid's book that has truly tried my patience, a handful of superheroes who are simply begging me for more adventures... It's been fun. Half of me wishes I had another month in this year to work on projects, the other half just wants to start fresh in January with a full to-do list and 12 months to complete it.


Since my last update, my story "A Mind Most Desirable" has been accepted into Pill Hill Press's steampunk anthology CONQUEST THROUGH DETERMINATION. This Submission Call is still wide open, so if you'd like to give it a shot as well, please check it out here. "A Mind Most Desirable" has been one of those favorites sitting lost in my "completed stories" file, awaiting a home. It started out a hefty 13,000 words and was slowly trimmed down each reading until it hit below the 10,000 mark. Obviously, it's steampunk, with a large cast, set in England during the Victorian Era, but it's also a bit of a murder mystery at heart--I'll gladly admit, that aspect was completely inspired by my mother's love of Agatha Christie.

"A Mind Most Desirable" was also my first serious attempt at writing steampunk. My second attempt (my first accepted) was called "A Gun for Jebediah" and is due out in the soon to be released STEAM WORKS by Hydra Publications. (And I do mean soon. I'll post when the listing becomes official.)

Also, over the past month, I took part in Pill Hill Press's Shootout. Think online creative writing workshop. Authors write short stories based on prompts, then the stories are sent out anonymously for other writers to critique (also anonymous). This Shootout, the host held a contest in the final round for those with the highest scores, and I ended up winning! (Using the "Bragging Rights" part of my prize here.) Now, I've got four stories ready to go (after some editing) find new homes. If you want to participate in the next Shootout, keep an eye out at the Pill Hill Forums.


Lastly, let's talk shopping. It's December. Gifts are expensive. You probably don't have a very heavy wallet right now. Which means you're not going to put aside much money for yourself this month. So, let's talk cheap thrills, shall we. (Also, yes, self promotion.)

For those of you out of the loop, Kindle books don't require actual Kindles or e-readers of any sort. You can get the software free for your PC at Amazon.

With this in mind, there are a few ebooks that are listed at prices too good to resist. Oh, and I have stories in these.

Kindle Price: .99
Published by Pill Hill Press, this is a collection of dark clone stories at a price that can't be beat. That's right, a whole anthology for less than a buck... Get it while you still can.

Kindle Price: 3.99
Published by Pill Hill Press, this is a collection of horror tales where monsters of all types meet and duke it out. Come on, now, treat yourself. Your inner monster geek needs this book.

Kindle Price: 3.99
Published by Wicked East Press, this is a collection of nine tasty, novelette-sized horror stories. For those who like a bit of meat on their bones.

Ok, let's say you don't have a couple bucks. Well, I happen to know that, through the month of December, Permuted Press is giving away free e-copies of five of their zombie books. I'm not in any of them, but I'm sure they're still great, even without me. Check them out at the bottom of their sales page, here. They also have several books for 2.99. (I plan on checking out Autobiography of a Werewolf Hunter, myself.)


Well, until next time, friends... Stay safe as you brave the malls, watch out for crazed shoppers with knifes and pepper spray, and have a bit of fun this holiday season.