Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

Enjoy yourself, and feel free to leave a comment if something sparks your interest.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Midsummer Night's Influence

I actually meant to mention this in an earlier blog, but, alas, I was distracted.

You know Patricia Puckett, correct? No? Seriously? Well, as she's a best friend and all, you'll be seeing her name on this blog quite often. Other than being a fantastic friend and human being, she's also a great writer. She's also probably one of the main reasons I stayed with writing all through high school and college. So, if this all goes bottoms-up, we know who to blame, don't we?

This isn't just a mindless promotion of a good buddy, though.

The Pedestal Magazine
has a great July issue still out, free to view. Their theme involves Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. It features Patricia's "The Captured Queens Go to Tea" as one of its fiction pieces.

Pedestal is a great zine with new monthly issues. And, for writers, they do indeed pay. Let's face it, it's hard for poets and literary writers to get a check, so we must applaud them.

So, if you have a bit of free time and you enjoy your Shakespeare, stop in and read this month's issue: http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/gallery.php?item=18300

Or, for more on Patricia's publications, visit her Yola site: http://patriciapuckett.yolasite.com/

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