Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

Enjoy yourself, and feel free to leave a comment if something sparks your interest.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Steam Works

The long awaited (at least for some of us) collection of Steampunk short stories Steam Works is live at Amazon, and I've to say, it's a fun collection of stories. Steampunk officially won a place in my heart about two years ago. Sure, I'd loved it before,without realizing it. I think I'm one of eight people still begging for dvds of the short lived The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne tv series (that's love, folks). Anyhow, back on point:

Steam Works is a short anthology of Steampunk published by Hydra Publications, but what it lacks in size is made up for in awesome. And I'm not just saying that because it contains one of my stories, "A Gun for Jebediah." No, I'm saying that because it also contains a story by my bff, and all around fan-friggin-tabulous writer, Patricia Puckett. I've read the unedited proof of the collection, and each story was enjoyable. I hope others enjoy the anthology just as much.

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