Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mouse Owns Slinky

So, yeah, I was totally owned by a mouse tonight. See, earlier today I found the little bugger's store of my dog's food in my art supplies. A.) Gross B.) Poor Yoda, having his food taken by a mouse. Anyhow, I cleaned it out, along with its droppings. Well, in search of more droppings, I cleaned out half of my room, emptying drawers and shelves, moving baskets of stuff onto my bed to get it out of the way.

I walk into my room, forgetting that I'd left a wooden staff in the floor and stubbed my big toe, splitting the big nail. As there was blood everywhere, I had to bandage it, then tape it up to keep it sealed. So, not only has this mouse made me turn the room into a disaster area, it's also, inadvertently, caused me bodily harm.

Well, I was working on some writing as well tonight. Good stuff. Anyhow, I didn't get to finish my room (just as Mother predicted), so I realized I was going to have to sleep on the couch (also as she predicted). I get out there and she's asleep on the couch. She has work tomorrow, so I opted to not wake her. I, instead, chose to go into the other tv room and set up camp on the futon. I pulled out a couple sheets, moved my fan into the new room, and laid down. Soon enough my dog, Yoda, was whining, so I let him get into bed with me, sitting him at my feet so he could snuggle against my legs.

I'd just started to doze when Yoda shook his head. I assumed he had a flea in his ear or something, so I ignored him, drifting off again. It was at this point that I felt something small and furry scamper across my face. Across my lips. And towards my hair. It took me a split second to go from zero to ninety. I shot of the futon, throwing the creature God only knows where and spilling out a stream of shrieked oaths to the darkness.

So, I'm officially done with sleeping. I'll sleep tomorrow, in the daytime, in my bed.

Also, I plan to hunt the little bugger down tomorrow. I have named him Pettigrew. And we all know what happened to Peter, don't we, kiddies. Yeah, this war isn't over. I've got a box of poison, a bag of traps, and a jar of peanut butt that's going to work tomorrow.

You have violated me for the last time, mouse.

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