Welcome, lurkers. As you may know, I'm a writer of speculative fiction and poetry. While I publish short stories under the name A.D. Spencer, feel free to call me Ariyana. Here you'll be able to read about my upcoming projects, learn about new releases from my favorite small publishers, and maybe even read a few free stories of mine.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Movies and Whatnot

So I was reading this article on summer movies at work, specifically at closing time for the LRC. I grabbed a pen and started to make my own comments. I do this from time to time to entertain myself. You know, snarky tidbits for no one and dialogue bubbles in the pictures. Anyhow, I thought I'd share some of my comments on these movies.

My first annoyance was that X-Men Origins: Wolverine was listed first. Then I realized that it was listed first because it is released first. My bad :) Anyhow, as someone who might have seen the movie somehow (don't ask, don't tell), I can say that this film, theoretically, won't rock my world. Especially since Gambit was there all of seven minutes and the most interesting backstory was shown in the opening credits. Sad, really, since I'd love to see these gifted brothers take on the different wars. Wolverine doesn't seem to know quite what it it; it's worth a watch, however. But it might not be worth the steep price of the theater ticket. Wait for a rental. Or wait for your favorite movie channel to buy it.

Ok, so next listed was Star Trek. I'm not a big fan of the original series (though everyone loves Spock, so there). But I do love Generation, so I have an interest in any new Star Trek movie. I'm very exited about this one. I've always been very interested in the Academy, so I can wait to see what they do with these space youngins. Should be fun! Granted, it might be a special-effects ladden eye cocaine trip with a forgetable script. But allow me my optimism. I'm hoping this one is a lot of fun, because I'm planning to see it for part of my Graduation weekend festivities.

Then there's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I don't know if I'm mentioned this today, but I LOVE FRICKIN HARRY POTTER DAMN IT! So, yeah. That's a given. I get to see more of the hottie that is Draco (though what the hell they did to his hair is beyond my comprehension), and our dearest, dearest, dearest Potion's Master. Snape rocks my socks, kiddies. He's just an excellent character. So, if Yates knows what's good for him, he won't screw this one up. I'm dying to see some of these scenes acted out "exactly" as they were written. Not by plot, mind you, I mean by character reaction. This is one of the books where we get to know some characters through very subtle behavior in trying times, so the director's skill is going to reflect whether or not he's paying attention to all the foreshadowing. Enough of that though. . .

I'll skip most of the rest of the list...such as Transformers. Sorry, guys, I can't watch this movie for fear of my eyes melting after a ten minute robot fighting scene filled with enough special effects to stretch across three Lord of the Rings films....Ugg. Not to the Lord of the Rings--I love those movies! Ugg to Transformers and the action hero that isn't--you know who you are...*cough* Shia.

So, here's a few others I find interesting....

In Public Enemies, Johnny Depp plays John Dillinger. Depp as a bad boy gangster. Hotness. Indeed, as the great Teal'c would say. I purr at the very thought. Teal'c wouldn't say that. Hee.

District 9 also sounds interesting. Peter Jackson is taking on this sci-fi South African alien story. I love anything to do with South African fantasy stories, so this one will definitely be on my mind this summer.

Now I shall return to the Star Trek movie: anyone else extremely interested in knowing what bet Spock lost that put Kirk over him? Seriously, there's almost too much unequal respect between those two. . .

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