It's so hot outside. Seriously. Hot. I went to the Longest Yardsale over the weekend and my scalp is now on fire. Ouch! Fun but I think I went through about a hundred soft drinks/water bottles :) And the motel we stayed at was hellish. More on that at another time.
In other news, a quick recap of random weirdness. So I realized how much "stuff" sucks. My MP3 player was the first casualty of the summer. By now I'm used to the cars messing up so I haven't even been keeping up with my parent's vehicles' many visits to the mechanic, though the green van has spent many weeks there throughout the summer. At the dead center of the summer the family fridge broke down, then the central AC started freezing up again (as in every few hours) so it needs gassed. I find out the green station wagon that I'm supposed to start driving can't be fixed around here because I have to find a Volkswagen dealer to flash the computer before the damn thing will start--the engineering geniuses who created its anti theft system thought it would be cool to make the computer that starts the engine die if the battery is ever taken out (then hopefully the thing that was replaced on it will be working correctly). Then our washer just dies out of no where. The DVD player decides that it no longer records. Then the dryer's wheel stops spinning, and it's death is slow over a few days. And now the family microwave is making this horrible buzzing sound like it's about to explode.
You just can't rely on "stuff" anymore...
So, last Thursday, Dad walks out onto the front porch to go to work and hears a rattling sound. Turns around and what does he see but a shaking little tail. That's right, a rattlesnake on the front porch a few feet from the door. He had to go on to work, and we haven't found the bugger yet. The animals are safe, though, so don't worry about Dracula and Bart.
But I'm watching, little snake...And I hear you taste like gator meat, so beware. I am the predator!
Today, I walk into my parents' bathroom for the aloe to find about twenty huge flies against their little window. Freaked me out a bit. I felt like I was in a cheap horror film. What's weird is that my parents come in this afternoon and apparently the flies were not there this morning when they were getting ready for work. And we can't figure out exactly where they came from...
I'm going to name the random little mouse in my room that I can't seem to find no matter how hard I look but who enjoys making a strange noise at three in the morning. I have a feeling it's a boy. I shall call him Sparky.
Nature is taking the house back....